Allows you to raise a carriage bolt head so the square neck doesn't affect a drill hole (.20 Height x 1.2" OD)
Made of black nylon, they are designed to prevent the head of the bolt from being grasped and turned.
Allows you to raise a carriage bolt head so the square neck doesn't affect a drill hole (.20 Height x 1.2" OD)
Made of black nylon, they are designed to prevent the head of the bolt from being grasped and turned.
Recommended for use with Tufnut security hardware in all situations where the square neck is not a problem. The round head is difficult to grasp, while the square neck prevents the bolt from turning. Contact us if you cannot find these locally,
Aluminum bracket secures two chevron signs to a single post. The angle of the chevron signs may be adjusted after installation of the bracket, so the position of the post is no longer critical.